Branding aims at imposing a positive position in the consumer’s mind, a different position than that of the competitors (Ries & Trout, 1982). This essay posits different ways Access Plus Company can improve its brand. Access Plus should aim at appealing to the head of clients and not their hearts. Access Plus should prove to the clients why they are better than their competitors. Thus, proper understanding of the client’s business plan is crucial to understanding the client’s needs. Effectively, Access Plus gets to know what to give to their clients move forward business wise.

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Adding services differentiates brands in mature categories (Aaker, 2004). Access Plus in achieving this offers training to its clients. Therefore, the client’s are able to acquire new skills. In this case, other departments of the client’s company improve. Effectively, the client through their employees embraces Access Plus as the best in the market. A brand’s power lies in the consumers’ mind through their experiences learned (Leone, et al., 2006). Thus, Access Plus will improve on marketing through the world of mouth from these trained clients.

Mass market broadcasts are not the best way to improve B2B brands (Chew, 2010). The best way to market is by direct marketing, and it is usually done either online or offline. Online brand promotion effectively works in reducing costs of operation. The social networking sites such as Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter, are crucial for online marketing. In addition, the social networks improve the chances of enhancing the visibility and relevance of Access Plus site and pages to search engines.

Today’s businesses face the challenge of maintaining relevance in eyes of most search engines. Access Plus needs to adopt Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies to improve their relevance amongst their competitors. One way of having an edge in SEO over the competitors is by enabling a blog on the website. Search engines recognize regular update and fresh information. In fact, blogging by clients on Access Plus site provides fresh and new ideas. The content of the site should also be compelling and unique to the readers. Search engines also tend to pick the keywords in websites, Access Plus should ensure keywords are strategically used. Lastly, repetitiveness of words in the websites should be avoided to ensure relevance of the content and uniqueness.

Services offered by the company are crucial in maintaining the distinctive advantages over competitors (Doyle, 1989). The services are indispensable in building a strong brand. Effectively, Access Plus needs to package their construction brand in a way that makes a positive contribution to the client’s business. One way to improve the clients’ company is through integration of products and services into the client’s organization. In addition, ways in which the services are sustaining the client’s organization helps in improving the brand.

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