This article presents research data and factual information on the different facets of education offered in developing countries. The concern is based on the shortcomings met by learners and their parents in government operated schools when compared to Low-Cost Private Schools. Low-Cost Private Schools apparently have attracted the corporate world and seem to be getting a lot of support compared to government-led learning institutions. It is a worrying economic trend in developing countries where the offer in the education sector is not meeting the demand in government led-institutions. The tastes and preferences to Low-Cost Private Schools surpass those of govern-led learning institutions. The cost of learning in private schools is far much chosen by parents than is the case with govern-led schools due to the quality of service the private schools are offering. Such scenarios have been experienced in places like Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, India and Pakistan among other places according to a World Bank report and research contacted by other institutions and researchers. The private sector in education has become superior to the public institutions.
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Write My PaperEconomic analysis: Demand and Supply/Provision of Education
There are a number of factors that come into play when making a choice of the type of learning institution. The demand for a particular type of school set up is realized through a balance between the factors that come into play. While the cost could be easily attainable in a public set up, the tastes and preferences of education held by the parents could be a key determinant of the final choice that will be made. Parents especially from a poor background have really desired and made preference though could not afford private schools that have initially lost demand due to high cost. However, the trend seems to be changing with the emergence of Low-Cost Private Schools.
There is an imbalance in the education sector that needs to be addressed especially for the poor to close the gap created by the rich who can a comfortably afford Private Schools learning leaving the poor with no choice but that of government-led institutions. The cost issue has been made achievable to a majority group and thus the demand for the private schools has been slowly increasing. The quality of education in developing countries is therefore getting an attractive picture when the factors of demand have been adjusted to meet the supply of quality education to all at a cheap affordable price. Meeting the cost of production and/or delivering the educational services, maintaining high quality preference to the prospective group of parents for their children and the availability of alternatives has created a dilemma in developing countries in the education sector. Generally, the main focus here is the relationship between the price of these educational services and the much the clients/parents are willing and are in a position to acquire them based on factors of taste, quality and preference.
In my opinion, it is definitely clear that parents are really after getting value for the money they are paying for the education of their children. While education in public schools is relatively cheap, it has turned out to be expensive in the long run because learners don’t get the bets out of them. Parents have been forced to invest more and more yet the returns are little. The low cost-private schools initiative is attracting more players in the industry due to the quality of services. By so doing, fees has been made affordable to many more people who could not afford at first. The quality of education altogether is getting a positive trend and the demand for private schools is on the increase.