Living in the epoch of speed, exteriority and high technologies we still need to have time for feelings, warmth and wonders. I have the belief that words can touch the hearts, inspire people for good actions and donate a smile to a person even in the darkest moments. For those exact purposes, there is an online application called SendOutCards. It allows people to send greeting cards and postcards along with gifts to each other, and thus brighten up someone’s day with few words of kindness, appreciation or encouragement (An Honest Review of Send Out Cards, 2010). That entire miracle happens through the simple push of the button.
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Write My PaperSendOutCards has been recognized as one of the fastest growing network marketing companies in the U.S. and even in the world. It has successfully sent 50 million cards with the help of over 60,000 independent distributors. As SendOutCards homepage mentions, the two-fold mission of the company, which is providing promptings to be in touch with anybody and making financial success in the meantime (Bastide, 2008).We can use the system to stay in touch with friends and the beloved ones, with new acquaintances, potential clients or patients.
The firm was founded by Kody Bodemann in 2004, after his brother passed away in tragic work accident. Upon that, Kody “decided never again to miss an opportunity to express his feelings to those he loved” (Luna 2010). The current president of SendOutCards is Erik Laver. The founder and the president have formed a great personal and business relationship together. Instead of creating a traditional company with the advertising concept of gaining customers, they resolved to pay people for involving, participating and inclusion. According to their homepage conception, “you make money every time people you bring into the company send greeting cards or gifts with the SendOutCards system”(Bastide, 2008).
Having a modest start up fee an average person can create his/her own profitable, home-based business. How does the greeting card system work, after all? Kody Bodemann gives us an available answer:
“It’s all a print-on-demand system. People from all over the world can go to SendOutCards, set up an account and then send a card. And all those orders go into massive server, and every morning we come in and push some buttons for print production.”(Bastide 2008), chooses a card, uploads a personal photo and types a heartfelt, inspirational or cheerful message providing also a mailing list. The company prints out the cards, puts them in envelopes and stamps them for delivery by the Postal Service (Keahey, 2010). The cards can be sent also to the customer to do his or her own handwriting and mailing. “Depending on the volume, cost isn’t much more than walking into a retail store and buying a box of pre-printed cards,” said Joe Kenemore, the chief marketing officer for SendOutCards (as cited in Keahey, 2010).
The system of SendOutCards is unique in its own way. First, it is a marketing vehicle on its own. By sending greeting cards to people you let them know about that kind of a business. In such a way, they get an invitation to watch the business presentation and to become a distributor. The company’s singularity is also defined by the lack of any virtual competitors. The products of it are priced at lower cost comparatively with the ones in retail stores. That is way it adds real value in the marketplace. What is the most important is that it makes people to feel pleased and required.